Stomping in Pauper: A Look at Mono-Green Aggro

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  1. Van Phanel, I do think that Gather Courage and Mutagenic Growth are really pretty close for this deck and both have their pros and cons. As for Courage, it’s very often going to be a free spell with either Nettle Sentinel or Quirion Ranger or just playing a creature and then tapping it for Courage. On the other hand, Mutagenic Growth, especially with 4 copies, can really take a number on your life total, which is not irrelevant when your general game plan is to race. I think it many of the aggro matchups, the 2 damage you’re taking for Growth to make it “free” can quickly build up, even if it takes a little less work than Courage. That being said, I think there is room for either and wouldn’t fault anyone for using Growth.

    Pat, I will look into this for sometime in the near future. Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. Very good. Goes into far more depth and detail then another article on here about the same deck. You could add your technical difficulties to the end if its something you need help with such as free recording programs and such.

  3. I never understand playing gleeful sabotage – you have to ‘be the problem’ not hope for (at best in actual play) a 2:1 answer at sorcery speed…YUCK. Bonesplitter effects beat affinity. Turn all your bears in to 4/4 and some fogs and your good to go. I have a bit of history with it:

  4. Neros, thanks. I have CamStudio downloaded, but I didn’t get too far into recording because the sound quality was nowhere close to decent, so I think I just need to get a mic. If anyone else has experience recording videos, do you have any recommendations for video recording software (preferably free ones)?

    deluxeicoff, Gleeful Sabotage is useful after you’ve been pushing on the Affinty deck for a few turns and they are starting to develop enough of a board that you can reasonable push through. Because at that point in the game they can gather more resources than you and develop their board quicker (especially since they’re running at least eight 4/4′s and eight free creatures), pushing through becomes difficult. Even with a Bonesplitter effect, they are going to be able to trade or, in worse cases, block and survive most of the creatures you have unless you have some really nutty draw and you’ll end up losing the war or attrition if you just keep swinging in each turn since they’re creatures will be able to absorb most of the damage. Gleeful Sabotage gives you an out to this by kill 1-2 of their blockers, opening up a spot to attack through.

  5. Michael first of all I want to give you a compliment about the structure of the article and your thoroughness of looking at the deck from all angles.
    However I do want to comment on a couple of points.

    I myself do not play pauper, however I started reading your article due to it being monogreen stompy. A decktype we havent seen for a while and which is significantly different than an elf deck or monogreen agro. Monogreen stompy was in fact the first competitive deck I ever came into contact with, which was about 14-15 years ago in the form of a winterorb deck.
    Which makes me come to my first point:
    Monogreen stompy in contrast with other monocoloured agro decks has the inherent advantage of playing a significant lower amount of land than the other decks.
    This gives monogreen stompy a bigger threat density (less blank draws in the form of lands) than the other colours while compensating for the lack of targeted removal.
    The second point I wanted to make is the lack of comparison between cards and the decisionmaking involving them, which flows into you not giving another approach to green stompy.
    You mention the card Rogue Elephant and then leave him out of your deck. Rogue Elephant + harvest wurm is a viable combo in pauper, but you dont run it. You choose for evasion, and therefor a larger number of pump spells. Giving an example of the other form of mgreen stompy allows the reader more insight.

    I hope you can do something with my suggestions, and keep up the writing.

  6. Michael, some of our contributors use CamStudio and achieve good results. Simon for example uses it as far as I know and the quality is very good. Important is a good micro or headset otherwise you will have bad audio quality.
    I do not play Pauper but read your articles as they are entertaining and well done. Keep up the good work.

  7. Congratulations for article. I’m out the Magic some time, and I’m wanting to play again, but the new deck tipe 2 (standart) is very expansive. My option is “pauper”. I found this article very tasteful, very well explained and of big help. i’m waiting new articles.

    sorry for my bad english.


    Alex Donega