Unlocking the Vault #32: Baleful Strix in Classic

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  1. BlueDiamonds is also running 2 Baleful Strix in his deck. Not sure how he is doing but his deck is very sweet (been playing it).
    I like Strix quite a bit, and particularily in Welder builds. Havent had the nerve to bust it out in such a heavy Oath environment.

  2. Yes, Oath is a problem. Might need to throw in some Spell Snares or Nature’s Claims to effectively fight them off. Also, Cage plays an important role post-board against Oath.

  3. So against Oath, a Strix Control list, as you noted, would probably board in Cage, or at least could board in Cage. Does this mean it boards out Welders, or is the Welder-synergy still so powerful that it’s worth keeping the Welders in in order to weld other artifacts and for situations in which the Cage hasn’t landed?

    Another note: Has anyone tried playing my other favorite 1/1 for 2, Myr Retriever, with Welder and mana ramp artifacts, etc.? That seems like some sick card advantage, but maybe less consistent than Strix netting you a draw each Welder activation.

  4. When you board in the Cages, you would board out the Welders. Really, the only way you are beating Oath is to keep it off the board and get Vault/Key online or Jace’s Ultimate. Tinker for Blightsteel (if you don’t have a Cage out) can also work so long as they don’t have an Oath already in play. It’s a tricky match-up, for sure.