Unlocking the Vault #38: Online Vintage

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  1. One problem with it being releases as Mopr is that only US players would be legally eligible to get them. I know a lot of people are signed up to the Mopr without living in the us. But would wotc be willing to release them as that and in a way leave all but US players out?

    I’m more in favor of the MOCS alternative even if I would hate waiting 9 months between the first til the last card… It would certainly not be good for the meta.

  2. @The rest of the world says: You are right, MOPR would place an unfair advantage for those in the US and would also expose people from around the world to breaking their country’s laws. I suppose that would be unrealistic for WOTC to do. Thanks for bringing that up, I had forgotten that MOPR was U.S. only.

  3. I like the ring of “Vintage Edition.” That would be a nice place to release the power, plus it doesn’t have the word “Masters” in it, so they could put Force of Will on it without running amock of any silly promises made on the WoTC message boards.