Exclusive Previews – Masters Edition IV

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  1. Adding this to the Library, Mana Vault, and Sinkhole to the spoilers with these two is a good thing for the classic pool.

  2. The Mythic rarity change looks positive for hints. I feel like WotC is leaking the cards in a great order to build excitement. I’ve been scanning MTGO sites every couple of hours for info haha.

  3. Super exciting, but with so many rares I’d have been more surprised if they DIDN’T print these cards. Not sure how I feel about the change from Mythic, guess we will have to see how it plays out.

  4. I’m into both of these cards. Expect me to try fun things with them! Here’s hoping Wheel of Fortune doesn’t get banned in 100CS. I think it’s fine until proven broken, and I say that as a card carrying Red hater.

    So far there is no indication that Wizards is holding back any of the important non-P9 cards. Just show me a Workshop and I’ll feel pretty confident about that. That’s a good sign – we’re way, way better off with all of this stuff in one set.

    And I must say, if this set has all of that AND the power, I’ll be a really happy guy. And I even think it would be a pretty good set without power, having looked at all of the key missing cards. If we get all of them, that’s a nice selection of goodies.

  5. I was kinda worried at first about the rare count being so high.

    There are a few cards from Masques block that need to be in this set for us to have a complete Legacy/Vintage pool (assuming power is in). I’m going to be pretty bummed if I have to wait until Masques block is printed for stuff like Tangle Wire and Rishadin Port. If they do put those chase cards in this set….there will be no incentive for people to play masques :-/