King of the Scrubs: 2 DRAFTS FOR THE PRICE OF NONE!

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  1. I dont get the article title!!!

    The deck for draft one is quite color intensive, so a 10/7 split on the lands is not good at all imo. you have 2 blue cards that like to get played on turn 1, 1 blue card that requires 2 blue, and then 1 blue card that requires 3!! blue, while your red cards aren’t as heavy on the color commitment. you don’t have any card draw other than 2 creatures (sphinx and cryptologist) so I think it’s unfeasible to be playing 17 lands, but anyway you saw what happened.

    The GWb deck might have turned out a lot better than the black one you had. Most of your removal was in white except for a vendetta and corpsehatch.

    well anyway, it was an interesting read and at least you opened some money!

  2. Agreed Aznsilly, I should have gone 18 lands. I feel 8 Islands would have been fine, 7 was a pretty greedy.

    The name of the article is a play on 2 for the price of 1. Get it? Free content. It’s not comedy gold but I thought it was clever…

    Thanks for the replys guys, my main goal for this series is that the reader is entertained because it’s very likely you won’t learn anything. :)

  3. The second draft seemed fine to me. Why not play the Evolving Wilds though? Even with two colours it’s possible to get colorscrewed.

    And not going green seems ok to me, you often had pretty fine other choices, you never really took nothing over the green card. Of course, in hindsight it would have been better to go green, but it’s pretty hard to get away from those first picks when there’s fine on-color picks.

    Too bad you keep getting terrible hands with fine decks =/

  4. C’mon Alex, you know better! I agree with the masses, 17 land in that first deck with no fixing, card draw til late was extremely greedy. 8th Island over pos Tunneler, no questions asked. That deck was a loser from the start. The curve was way too high and you did it no favors with the greedy mana base.

    As for the second draft, that was better but you were right about green. Tough switch to make once you committed yourself to black b/c of the third pick Corpsehatch. I never do that with black b/c it seems too shallow in good cards so I’m always looking to go X/G to splash the black. I think you’ve seen me splash Consume the Meek before. But that’s not really your fault. Tough draft to work with once you pass the green once or twice.

  5. Nice drafts. The only thing that really concerned me after a brief look was the mana base. Seven Islands is indeed a bit greedy considering that you have spells like Sphinx of the Magosi and Deprive in your deck. The eight Island would have been a good choice for sure.

  6. Haha, lots of helpful comments about mana base constuction in these comments.
    Basically don’t be greedy =)

  7. That second draft was pretty solid. I definitely see a few places it could have gone differently, putting you in either G/W, G/W/b or G/W/r, or even W/B/r, but as is so often the case, you draw poorly with good decks and that just is unfortunate :(

  8. Btw I’ll add that when I read the title I thought you won two drafts (or one 8-4), making them pay for themselves. That that was the ‘two for the price of none’.
    I was disappointed when I found out you did…less than great.

  9. ^ this is also what I thought after reading the comments, so…I was quite surprised, hence my asking haha!

    Also, the deck in draft 2 might have turned out fine, but it would have been much stronger had he been able to get a more aggressive build (with green), his white removal is quite situational in that smite requires blockers/no removal against blockers, and guard duty is bad vs bounce/creatures with effects/when your own creatures arent evasive.